
Gustavo Visentini

Founding partner. Full professor of business law at LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome and scientific director of the Foundation Bruno Visentini . Lawyer, He worked for Assonime and was Chairman of Assogestioni and of Assofiduciaria as well as a member of The Consulting Committee of the Italian Stock Exchange. He sits in the Boards of Directors of primary Italian corporations, and was Chairman of Banco di Sicilia and director of Telecom Italia.

Fabio Marchetti

Founding Partner. He is associate Professor of tax law at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome where he is also the director of the research centre for corporate law (CERADI). Lawyer, he has authored many publications on tax matters, among which are those on financial tax matters and pension funds. He has chaired many professional conferences on topical subjects and was visiting professor at University of Paris II – La Sorbonne. He is co-director of the Foundation Bruno Visentini and has collaborated to various “commissions of experts” for the drafting of tax laws.

Enrico Tonelli

Partner since 1999. He is associate professor of corporate law at the University of Perugia and is deputy chairman of the “Istituto Tito Ravá” for the law of the markets. Lawyer, he is author of several publications on corporate, financial and industrial law. His main areas of expertise are corporate law, cooperatives, Not-for-profit organizations and industrial property. He also represents clients in court litigations.

Alfonso Papa Malatesta

Partner since 2001. He is a lawyer expert on corporate law and antitrust. He was a research scholar in The Netherlands and at LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome, and a Lecturer of Corporate and Banking Law, topics in which he authored several publications. He deals with judicial litigation and arbitration and he lends advice and assistance to corporations which are active in the financial and commercial markets and in the tax collection..

Eugenio Ruggiero

Partner since 2001. He is a tax advisor, auditor and certified public accountant, with a considerable experience in corporate and financial regulations, tax regimes, pension funds, corporate reports and accounting principles. He teaches comparative law at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome and has taught business law at the University of Venice and at foreign Universities and has had various papers published, also in English. He has developed quite an extensive experience with international and cross-border transactions. He sits, and has been sitting, on supervisory boards of companies operating in several industries (securities, asset management, manufacturing).

Ernesta Visentini

She is a lawyer, specialized in commercial and civil law. She has had professional experiences in Germany, the USA and at the European Court of Justice, and has authored publications in comparative law.

Francesca Marchetti